Our curriculum and pedagogical approach is designed to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills

The transition to the primary stage is seamless and smooth. The curriculum and pedagogical approach designed for this stage provides the learners with opportunities to explore their interests, connect their textual learning with the real life experiences, and very significantly, develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Play-based learning continues to be an integral part of the pedagogical approach. The learners are engaged in subject-related games, experiments, dramatic plays, art, and music. They not only help to encourage creativity, but also develop their social and emotional skills. There is an equal emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning that allows our learners to apply their classroom learning to their experiences in the real world.

Interwoven with this approach is the attempt to help learners observe and understand concepts holistically through an interdisciplinary method.

The learners are also introduced to project-based learning at this stage.

They are encouraged to take ownership of their own learning by exploring themes that interest them and completing related projects that demonstrate their interest and understanding.

The DEAR Activity (Drop Everything and Read) takes place once a week and attempts to inculcate reading habits in the learners.

Each approach emphasizes inculcating skills which are extremely vital in the 21st century.

Learners are stimulated to think critically by being provided with various opportunities to observe and evaluate information and provide creative solutions to problems. They also work in groups that encourage collaboration and team building. A plethora of activities are designed to facilitate discussions amongst the students and build on their communication skills.

An equal priority is given to social-emotional learning by helping the learners develop self-awareness and emotion regulation skills. A lot of exchange and discussion takes place regularly in the Home Room period, particularly through the Circle Time method. The intervention of the school counselors reinforces this form of learning.

Overall, the curriculum and pedagogy in the primary school fosters a love for learning, and provides opportunities to develop life skills.