In order to provide a platform to the students to explore their inquisitive nature and develop a scientific temperament, the school encompasses four well-equipped science laboratories.
The Chemistry laboratory includes demonstration tables, chemicals of all types, fuming chamber, oven, hot plate, burners, diluted water assembly, water sink and sanitary system. The lab has a proper safety plan with fire extinguishers. The Physics laboratory includes subjective equipments like meter bridge, potentio meter, galvanometer and much more. The Biology laboratory includes of demonstration slabs, permanent slides, microscopes, projector microscope, models and charts.
The Science Activity Centre is specially designated for the middle school students and has all the required material for conducting varied experiments to trigger the innate curiosity of the students. Each class looks forward to their SAC Lab period each week.
The Mathematics laboratory is well-equipped with activities and equipments like rangometry, abacus, 2D shapes compass, decimal kit, weighing balance, measuring tapes to reduce the abstractness of the subject. The various activities conducted in the lab allow students to discover and verify the basic mathematical and geometrical concepts through concrete objects and situations.
The Language laboratory facilitates the students to learn language skills. They practice sound and word patterns with the aid of various programmes installed in the computers. It effectively enhances their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in that language.
The school houses two Computer laboratories, a senior computer lab which has 40 computers, and the junior computer lab which contains 39 computers. Each lab also has a projector to facilitate a smooth teaching-learning process and allow students to remain updated with the latest trends in Information Technology.
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