APPLICATION FORM FOR NURSERY ADMISSION All fields are mandatory Bank Deposit Ref/UTR ID : Category GeneralSiblingStaff Ward Name of the Child (In block letters): Upload recent passport size photo of the child (in JPG/JPEG format) Gender MaleFemaleOther Date of Birth (In figures) : Date of Birth (In words) : Age as on 31st March 2025 : Year, Months, Days Place of Birth: Mother Tongue : Nationality : Residential Address : Permanent Address : Phone No. : Name & Address of present school : Single Parent : YesNo Does your child have any physical/ medical condition which might require special attention? If yes, please specify. : PARENTS’ INFORMATION: Father Mother Name (In block letters) Age Academic Qualifications School Attended College Attended Occupation/Profession Designation Name of the company/ Institution/ workplace Nature of Business/ work Annual Income Office Address Mobile No. Email ID Upload latest Passport Size Photograph (in JPG/JPEG format) Details of real brother & sister (Not cousins): Brother Sister 1. - Name (In block letters) Class School 2. - Name (In block letters) Class School UNDERTAKING I hereby certify that the information given by me is true. I understand that if any of this information is found to be untrue, this application is liable to be rejected. I shall abide by the decision of the school in all matters. If my child is selected by the school I promise to: a) Abide by the rules & regulations of the school b) Be a sincere partner in the onward education of my child c) Inculcate & foster the values acquired by my child at school Signature of Parent/ Guardian (in JPG/JPEG format): Name : Date: Please attach a self attested photocopy of the following: 1. Birth certificate issued by a competent authority (in JPG/JPEG format) : 2. Proof of residence. Please attach any one of the following (in JPG/JPEG format) : a. Ration Card/ Smart Card issued in the name of parents (Mother/ Father having name of Child). b. Domicile certificate of child or of his/ her parents. c. Voter ID Card (EPIC) of any other parents d. Electricity bill/ MTNL bill/ Water bill/ Passport in the name of any of the parents or child. e. Adhaar Card/ UID card issued in the name of any of the parents. 3. Copy of Fee bill (last paid of sibling studying in The Srijan School) (in JPG/JPEG format) : Note: Incomplete forms are liable to be rejected without intimation. Information/ documents sought in this application form are for school record & child history only.